The chicken lady

One of the best additions to our life lately has been a delightful little brood of hens.
Husband bought 10 of them on a whim one day at an auction, though we'd been wanting some for awhile. 
The locals like to tease him, telling him he paid too much, but i say a deal is determined by how much something is worth to you.

According to that, these were a steal.

I figured they'd be great to have for eggs but i never imagined how much i'd come to love having them. I don't want to be without chickens again, as long as it's possible to have them.
They are endlessly entertaining to watch, require very little care, and give back so much!
I love love the fresh eggs we get every day.

Another added bonus that i was not expecting is that that Husband enjoys them as well, so it's something we are actually doing together, which is funny to me, i mean...
I thought a Friday night date night would keep a marriage lively, who knew the chickens would do so much more!
yes indeed-y. 

So now people call me the chicken lady.

In my wildest dreams that's never one i entertained, but nevertheless, here we are!

Plenty of people in the neighborhood have chickens, so i'm not sure how i got the honor.

I don't suppose it could have anything to do with the fact that i like to have tea on the hammock in the yard next to the chickens?

Doesn't anyone else do that?


  1. Dear chicken lady,
    Your chickens are quite lovely.
    I love this post and how you told the story.
    Keep up the tea time with them,
    I'm sure they enjoy your company.

  2. What a lovely addition, and there's no one more perfect to be the 'chicken lady'!

  3. love it! i wish i had chickens...

  4. Tea next to the chickens?? I think it fits you perfectly! (=

  5. :) I absolutely love drinking my tea in one of our orchard hammocks. It's the best when all the chickens wander over looking for a handout.


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